Temperature Controlled Mattress Guide

Aren’t you getting enough sleep during the night

Do you feel uncomfortable while sleeping on your existing mattress?

If yes, then you need to change your mattress at the earliest. Nowadays, people are looking for mattresses that can keep the surface temperature low for imparting better sleep to all sleepers. That’s why manufacturers are also focusing on improving the product designs so that they can control the airflow, distribute the heat, and lower the temperature of the surface almost instantly. 

If you too want to have such a mattress for yourself, read the below-described guide, and you will have all the clarification you need.

What is a Temperature-Controlled Mattress?

A temperature-controlled mattress can help regulate the surface temperature and keep it below the room’s current temperature. Hence, you won’t have to sleep on a hotbed that will cause you to sweat a lot and prevent mould and bacterial growth in between the layers. Many materials are used for constructing a mattress, like memory foam, latex, and others. That’s why different mattresses have different temperature regulating capacities. 

What type of mattress controls the temperature while sleeping?

  • Latex Foam– Since latex is of two types, we will describe both of them. Synthetic latex is dense and usually doesn’t have the pin core technology. As a result, it won’t be able to regulate the temperature. But let’s consider the natural latex having pin core technology. Then, you can easily have these mattresses because the material can maintain the temperature and keep the bed’s surface cool. 
  • Gel Memory Foam– This is the best material for sleeping on a mattress with optimal temperature regulating properties. In such memory foams, micro cooling gels are inserted into the open cells of the foam. These gels will absorb the surface temperature and your body heat which is why they are excellent in providing excellent comfort. 
  • Poly Foam– Polyfoam or polyurethane is not the best material when it comes to temperature regulation. Even though it has the least density, it cannot absorb heat or lower discomfort. 
  • Memory Foam– Memory foams manufactured nowadays mostly have open cell structures to allow high air circulation and distribution of heat. That’s why a properly chosen memory foam will help you in sleeping comfortably throughout the whole night. 

Benefits Of Choosing Temperature Controlled Mattress

  • No more waking up in the middle of the night due to sweating or discomfort
  • It Will keep your skin healthy and prevents sores 
  • Provides the ultimate form of comfort and relaxation for the sleepers
  • It won’t cause a dent in your pocket

Reasons to choose Temperature Controlled Mattress.

  • A temperature-controlled mattress won’t cause excessive sweating and disturbances while sleeping. 
  • It will prevent the formation of pressure ulcers and bedsores since it will distribute the body heat evenly. 
  • As it will trap no heat inside the mattress, you won’t have to worry about moulds and fungal growth. 
  • These mattresses are best for children, elders, and people who are ill or injured. 
  • You won’t have to pay any extra money to have a temperature-controlled mattress since it is a feature restricted to the mattress material only. 
  • Sleeping on such a mattress will keep your skin healthy and fresh with no allergies, redness, and itching. 

What to look at before Temperature Controlled Mattress?

  1. You will have to look for a mattress with the right thickness so that the layers won’t sag under your body weight. 
  2. Another important factor you need to consider for having a temperature-controlled mattress is deciding the type of material you would like. 
  3. Check the firmness of the mattress and make sure it is ideal for your body. 
  4. Price is also an important factor that needs to be considered while having the best temperature regulating mattress. 
  5. Make sure that the mattress cover can offer high breathability as well as proper heat distribution. 


Several types of temperature controlling mattresses are there in the market. But you have to choose a product that will help you sleep peacefully at night and offer comfort. Natural latex, memory foam, and gel-based memory foam are the three best materials for having a mattress that can regulate the surface temperature. So, always make your choice carefully before you make the final call. 


You cannot sleep on a bed whose temperature is way more than the room. Hence, there is no age restriction or any other limitation for using a temperature controlling mattress which is why you shouldn’t refrain from getting one. 

A natural latex mattress or a gel memory foam mattress will be ideal since they can regulate the temperature in the best possible manner. 

You can keep the air conditioner switched on for about ten to fifteen minutes before sleeping. Also, you can open up the windows and doors and allow the cool air to flood the room. This will also reduce the surface temperature of your bed and sleep comfortably. 

Every one of us emits a certain amount of heat based on our body temperature. At the time of sleeping, a certain part of your body will be in direct contact with the bed, and hence, it is important for the heat emitted by you to get distributed. If it doesn’t happen, you will have to wake up in the middle of the night due to excessive sweating. 

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