Kurlon VS Peps Mattress

1. Similarities And Differences: Kurlon Vs Peps


  • Both the brands have launched special mattresses for maintaining your spine’s health and posture- the Kurlon Spine Therapy and Kurlon Spinekare mattresses and Peps Spine Guard mattresses.
  • Temperature regulation is optimum since Kurlon has infused the layers with multiple air pockets for proper ventilation. As for the Peps mattresses, the outer cover is breathable, and the inner layers have several air pockets.
  • Bonnel spring mattresses are available in Kurlon and Peps collections which will help you get the maximum comfort while sleeping.


  • All the mattresses from Kurlon are made from a single deck, while Peps has introduced a double-decker mattress for better comfort.
  • Peps mattresses are quite thick, with height varying between 8” to 10”. On the other hand, Kurlon mattresses usually have a thickness varying between 4” to 8”.
  • Peps mattresses are mainly made from pocket springs as the main core layer. On the other hand, Kurlon has coir, latex, foam, and spring as the core material options.

2. Firmness And Feel Differences 

Kurlon mattress

Kurlon VS Peps Mattress 1

While talking about the Kurlon mattress, you will have several options in terms of products. Starting with a pure coir mattress with firmness of around 3 to 4.5 to the Spinekare has higher firmness, around 7. The firmness depends on the material construction of the products, and hence, you will have lots of options as the Kurlon mattresses are made from different materials like coir, rubberized coir, HR foam, memory foam, and others. 

No other mattress brand has been able to surpass the excellence of Kurlon mattresses, especially when it comes to the feel. The top layer is mainly made from knitted fabric for most products. Cotton jackets are available in only a handful of mattresses. Irrespective of the cover type, these products are highly comfortable to sleep on. 

Peps mattress

Kurlon VS Peps Mattress 2

If we talk about the firmness level of the Peps mattress, the range varies between 4 to 8, based on the type of product you are getting. For example, the Spring Koil has a firmness rating of 5 to 6 due to spring and HR foam layers which increase the hardness of the product. Similarly, the Restonic mattress is more on the softer side, having a firmness rating around 4 on average. 

Considering the feel of the Peps mattresses, the top layer does feel silky and super smooth against the skin. However, in some mattresses like the Double Decker Peps mattress or the Spine Guard Peps mattress, the top layer is a bit rough, which might feel uncomfortable for some sleepers. 

3. Mattress Construction Differences

Kurlon mattress

Kurlon mattresses are made from three different materials: foam, spring, and coir. 

  • Two types of coir mattresses are present- the pure coir, where no layer other than the curled coconut fabric coir is present, and the rubberized coir, where a foam layer is added for extra support. 
  • All five products have three main layers for the pure foam mattresses – the lower base PU hard foam, the middle support HR foam layer, and the top comfort memory foam layer. 
  • In the spring mattress collection, three products have pocket springs, while two have Bonnell springs in addition to a comforting memory foam layer.

Peps mattress

If you look at the Peps mattress collections, you will get pocketed spring layers as the main material, which Nylon support felt and PU foam on both sides. Bonnell spring construction is also present for Spring Koil, Restonic, and Spine Guard only. As for foam construction, only the Spine Guard Peps mattress is available with foam construction with no other added material. In addition, both memory foam and HR foam are present, which increases the firmness and strength of the product. 

4. Kurlon Vs Peps Performance Differences

Temperature regulation Possible due to increased air pocketsNormal ventilation system
Motion Transfer Prevents the motion transferPrevents the motion transfer
DurabilityHighly durableMedium durability
Edge supportPresent in all mattressesPresent only in Spine Guard
  • Temperature regulation: In both cases, no explicit technology is added which can control the temperature of the mattress surface. Therefore, it is only due to air pockets that the ventilation is maintained, which further helps keep the surfaces cold. 
  • Motion transfer: Motion transfer is prevented in both the Peps and Kurlon mattresses due to the MSI technology. Hence, you won’t be able to feel your partner’s tossing and turning despite lying close, all thanks to the Zero Partner Disturbance technology. 
  • Edge support: All the mattresses from Kuron have a high level of edge support, so the products wouldn’t sag or get depressed under heavy compression forces made incident from above. On the other hand, only the Spine Guard from Peps collection has edge support. 
  • Durability: Kurlon mattresses are more durable as compared to the mattresses from Peps. This is because you can find foam and coir mattresses in the Kurlon collections, which last longer. But as Peps products usually have the Pocketed spring variation, their durability is compromised as the springs can lose elasticity much faster. 
  • Odor: Considering the Kurlon mattresses and the Peps products, only high-quality materials are used for the construction. And since ventilation is maintained properly, no bacteria or fungus can breed between the layers, which can generate unpleasant smells. 

5. Mattress Policies

  • Shipping: Shipping of the products, both from Peps and Kurlon, is done all over India without any extra fees being included in the main purchase bill. 
  • Trial period: Both Kurlon and the Peps mattress have a trial period of 100 days. If you return the mattress within this time, you will get a 100% refund provided the damage is not done intentionally. 
  • Returns: In both cases, if you return the mattresses after the trial period, the amount to be refunded will be based on the warranty cover policies. If the damage or defect is not covered under the product’s warranty, They won’t refund you. 
  • Warranty: Kurlon mattresses have varied warranties based on the product you are buying. Usually, the warranty periods range from 3 years to 10 years, depending on the complexity of material construction and the number of layers present inside. However, all the Peps mattresses come with only 1 year of warranty, one of the biggest minus points of the brand. 

7. Kurlon Vs Peps – Which Is Better?

Without a doubt, the Kurlon mattresses are much better than the Peps mattresses. Not only will you get more varieties in the case of Kurlon, but also they are highly durable and come with an extra level of snugness and appeal. 

8. Who should buy Kurlon? And who should buy Peps?

Suppose your main concern is comfort and poshness. In that case, Kurlon mattresses will be the ideal choice since each of their products is made with high-quality inner layers and a super soft top cover. As for the Peps, mattresses are ideal for those sleepers who usually suffer from tensed muscle knots as the pocketed spring formations can apply the perfect amount of pressure in your body to reduce soreness. 

9. FAQs

  1. How long does a Kurlon mattress last?

    One of the main reasons Kurlon has become one of India’s best mattress brands is its high durability. Every product is reinforced with high-quality materials, be it the curled coir and HR foam layers. So even after using the mattress for years, it will retain its properties like firmness, softness, hygiene, breathability, and bounciness. 

  2. How long does a Peps mattress last?

    Peps mattresses are mainly made from springs, both Bonnell and Pocketed types. That’s why the durability is somewhat less than other brands where you can find foam or coir mattresses. This is because the spring layers can easily lose their elasticity if the product is used incorrectly or too much pressure is applied on the top surface than the threshold amount. 

  3. Is a Peps mattress good for back pain?

    Yes, with the Peps mattress, you will be able to get relief from back pain, be it a chronic disease caused due to neural problems or slip discs, or a recent injury. Also, since the Peps mattresses usually have higher firmness levels, you won’t have to worry about waking up the next morning with a sore and stiff body. 

  4. What are the types of mattresses that Kurlon manufactures?

    Kurlon has three different mattresses- spring mattresses with Bonnell and Pocketed spring technology, coir mattresses with rubberized and pure coir construction, and foam mattress. Based on what kind of product will be ideal for your health and body structure, make sure you choose the right one.  

  5. What are the various firmness levels of Kurlon mattresses?

    Kurlon has a wide collection of mattresses with different firmness levels, making it possible for you to choose the best product that will cater to your needs. For example, suppose you are looking for a soft mattress with a firmness rating between 3 to 5. In that case, you can choose the Dream Sleep Kurlon mattress or the Angelica Box Top. For medium firmness with a rating between 4.5 to 7, you can go with products like the Convenio Kurlon mattress or the Spine Therapy mattress. Unfortunately, hard mattresses are not present in the Kurlon collection.

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